Trading errors are in commodity and currency trading practice. I am committed to my partner in order from the mistakes of other commodity traders (and many learn from my own mistakes) to. In my opinion, have been associated with trade in raw materials and the trend is the basis for all trading partners involved in error can be attributed to three questions.
1. Fear
2. Greed
3. Ego.
So many issues in the trade are the people against our own nature. A simple example is that merchant their hard-earned commodity risk capital to a trade. Is not it logical that if your hard-earned money into an idea ... You would expect them to work and earn money ... Why else would you risk hard-earned money? They believe that you will bring the trade .. It's why it in the first place, is not it?
Wrong ... just because you rely on trade .. it did not work .. Do not sell too many merchants, and take a loss quickly, because they think they are right .. Guess what ... The only thing to follow what is right, your plan with discipline and patience.
The core of the success of goods and foreign exchange trading comes down to how you think. Emotions such as those mentioned above can destroy the careers of commodity trading. I've seen ... I do all day except Saturday and Sunday. I saw ...
Here are some examples of mistakes that I have seen the commodity traders.
1. The Professional Commodity fate of the early trading. It does not follow his plan ... or mechanical trading system. There is a small loss of trade opening has not learned to stop the loss and perhaps because of fear (me) ... He leaves early, and not from the market or on the job or arrested.
2. A trader commodity trading ended in a draw-down (probably close to a recovery in Nice). I have seen, investors, commodity trading advisors and end the guilt of the commodity trading advisors and say that functions according to the trend is no longer (anxiety). Shortly after them when they returned to the Commodity Trading Advisor and continue their bill the way left to increase prosperity. The resources are all a part of it. The more so that the biggest incentive is always ahead of you.
3.I have seen commodity traders to take profits and stop before their stops were hit. They climb on their plan or mechanical trading because they are afraid to give back gains to open. One of the main tenants in order to follow the trend Let your profits run. "These traders miss the big shots due to a combination of fear ... or maybe greed.
4. I have not seen Dealers a loss when they should. Also they go on their plan. Maybe from me ... They will not accept they were wrong and the trade has not worked. Worse .. I have seen, there are commodity traders that they are right, and paste losing its position. Things like this are the seeds of destruction of a merchant product.
I really can not go on ... Succeed, but to ... should let their emotions Park and the market tell them what to do. It is the basis to follow the trend.
So, what is the point here ... If you trade in commodities are to be successful, you have the choice .. You can learn themselves and to trade. It takes tremendous work and dedication. I know .. I was there ... If you are committed to developing a plan, ... ... Take patience and discipline that you are the chances of success over time. Another alternative is a commodity trading advisor, who has done the work and learned what to appoint the chance to get the overtime.
You need to understand how the business of commodities trading ... and probably more important, how they think about risk and money management. I want to trade with my colleagues that reinforces the necessary discipline and patience ... and also an advisor to other commercial products. Find the right advisor commodity trading is certainly not easy. However, an initial four short questions, you can separate consultants retained commercial potential of raw materials and the lack of bes ..
1. What is your risk per trade
2. What is their risk by sector
3. What is their amount at risk to open trade
4. What is your margin equity.
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